
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Canning Day

Canning Day

During the summer, the best part of being in Southeast Pennsylvania (aside from its natural, majestic beauty) is that it's close enough to Jersey where the produce is eminently tastier. For years, my mother-in-law (who lives in New Jersey), would order me 40 lbs. of free-stone peaches and have my husband pick them up from her so they could sit and ripen at my house prior to her arrival for canning day.  I feel so blessed to not only have these memories, but also her recipes and techniques.

Since most of the peaches have seemed a tad off this season, I unfortunately only made a small batch of peach jam; peach-pineapple-cherry jam; and a new addition this year - white peach & Jersey blueberry jam (which Tony & I have decided is the homerun of the season).  It doesn't matter which recipe you follow...all that matters is that you get to the market, produce stand, or farm & preserve some fruit this season!  We put jam on the customary items like toast or muffins, but my favorite use is on meats while cooking.  According to our dear friend Sugar,  the best use of my jam is when paired with Indian food.  He claims the heat from the spices is balanced by the sweetness of the jam.

There's plenty of good eats to found & worthy of preserving for out-of-season enjoyment so I encourage you to get your Canning Day going! Oh, and don't forget to send me pictures too.


The Gluten-Free Italian   ~  100% Gluten-Free...100% Made with Love

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